Accessing the “My Account” Page
The “My Account” page can be accessed by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner. This is available regardless of the page you are on within the Papervee platform. After clicking on your profile picture, a modal will appear on the right side of the screen, where you can see the latest notifications from the Papervee platform, the time recorded for the current day, and from this modal, you can access the “My Account” page.
Editing Your Profile
Your basic account profile contains the following:
Profile picture
First and Last Name
Phone Number
You can edit your first name, last name, phone number, and profile picture.
The first name, last name, and phone number can be modified directly in their respective fields, and changes can be saved by pressing the “Save Changes” button. These changes do not require approval from a manager.
By default, the phone number entered in the account is not visible on your public profile. If you want your phone number to be accessible by any user in the Papervee workspace, check the “I want my phone number to be public” option.
The profile picture can be edited by clicking the edit button (pencil symbol) and then clicking the “Upload a Picture” button. In the modal that appears, click the “Choose” button and select an image that represents you, preferably in .JPG, .JPEG, or .PNG format. Ensure that the image fits properly within the displayed circle. Save the changes.
Additionally, on this page, you have the option to edit the time zone and language of your own profile. These settings will only affect your own account. Attention, the time zone affects the functionality of the platform. Certain time tracking settings, for example, will be triggered according to the selected time zone.
Attention! The information in your basic profile, including your profile picture, will be publicly available, and all users in the workspace will be able to see them.