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Adding, editing, deleting and exporting your work schedule
Adding, editing, deleting and exporting your work schedule
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Written by Support Papervee
Updated over a month ago

Using Papervee, you can plan your work schedule in advance using the calendar on the Work Schedule page. Your work schedule can be set either by you or by a superior manager.

Attention! A schedule set by a manager cannot be modified by you, only by a manager.

Adding a Work Schedule

There are two ways to set a work schedule:

Adding the Work Schedule through the “Add Schedule” Button:

Navigate to the Work Schedule page.
Click the “Add Schedule” button.
Choose whether the schedule will be recurring. For details on setting a recurring schedule, read the article on Recurring Schedules.
Choose the period you want to apply the schedule to.
Set an entry time and an exit time.
To finalize, click the “Add work schedule to calendar” button.

Adding the Work Schedule through the Work Schedule Calendar:

In the calendar, select the day you want to add the work schedule to or drag to select a range of days.
Choose whether the schedule will be recurring. For details on setting a recurring schedule, read the article on recurring schedules.
Choose the period you want to apply the schedule to.
Set an entry time and an exit time.
To finalize, click the “Add work schedule to calendar” button.

Editing the Work Schedule

To edit an already set work schedule, click on the day in the calendar or drag to select multiple days. In the modal that appears, modify the entry and/or exit time and click on “Apply Change” to finalize the modification.

Schedules set by a manager cannot be edited.

Deleting the Work Schedule

To delete an already set work schedule, click on the day in the calendar or drag to select multiple days. Click on the link “Delete Work Schedule”. In the modal that appears, confirm your intention to delete.

Schedules set by a manager cannot be deleted.

Exporting the Work Schedule

If you wish to save the work schedule table in PDF format, you can click the “Export” button in the top right corner of the work schedule table. A PDF document with the table for the selected month will be downloaded to your device. This document can also be printed.

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