The candidate details page contains all the information about a specific candidate and is divided into 3 main areas:
Candidate data area:
This area contains all the collected data about the candidate:
Last name, First name;
Phone number;
Email address;
Attached files.
These details can be modified by Papervee users with access to Papervee Recruitment.
Additional files can be attached to the candidate's profile using the file upload function or by dragging the file into the document upload area.
Interviews area
This area lists all the interviews scheduled with a candidate. Each interview is represented by a rectangular section, containing details about the interview, an edit button, and a delete button.
Interviews can be scheduled using the "Schedule Interview" button. Pressing this button opens the interview scheduling process. To schedule the interview, you will need to enter the following details:
The name of the interview;
The date of the interview;
The time of the interview;
If the interview takes place at a physical address, check the corresponding option and fill in the address. If the interview is online, add the online meeting link in the appropriate box;
To finalize, press the "Send Interview Invitation" button.
Internal notes and email area
In this area, you can choose between two sections: Internal Notes and Email Notes.
In Internal notes, you will find a log of activities and comments associated with this candidate.
Using the field at the bottom of the page, you can add comments, which remain saved on the candidate's profile. Comments include the name of the user who posted the comment, the date, and the time of posting.
Comments can be deleted by the user who posted them.
In Email notes, you will find a log of emails sent to the candidate. Additionally, using the field at the bottom of the page, you can send an email to the candidate.
Attention! You can only send emails if you have an email address integrated into Papervee Recruitment. Click here to learn how to integrate email.
Archiving a candidate
A candidate can be archived by pressing the "more" button (symbol: 3 vertical dots) and selecting the "Archive" option. Archived candidates will no longer appear in the job list for which they applied but will only appear on the Archived Candidates page. Their data is retained in full.
Moving the candidate to another step
Candidates can be moved to another status by pressing the "More" button and selecting the "Move to another step" option. After pressing, you need to choose the status you want to move the candidate to.
Moving the candidate to another List
If the candidate is more suitable for another job within the company, they can be moved to another list, and their processing can continue there. To move a candidate to another list, press the "more" button and select the "Move to another list" option. You will need to choose the job to which you want to move the candidate and the status.
After completing the move, the candidate will appear on the candidate management page of that job.