The attendance sheet is a mandatory document used for calculating employees' salary rights, contributions, and other due sums. All employers are required to generate this document. Papervee assists you by generating an attendance sheet in compliance with the law, based on data from various Papervee modules.
The attendance register is automatically generated in real-time, based on data entered in the Papervee workspace. It does not require user intervention.
Attention! To view the "Attendance Register" page as described on this page, make sure you have changed the platform context by accessing the manager mode.
Managers accessing the "attendance sheet" page will see data related to the users they manage. Managers with the Owner and HR Manager roles, having access to all users in the Papervee workspace, will see data about all of them. Managers who have an employee role but are the operational managers of other employees will see only those respective employees.
Information can be filtered on this page using the filters at the top. You can view information for a specific month. To select the desired month, you can use the left and right arrow buttons. The register can be filtered by entering an employee's name in the search bar. Additionally, by checking or unchecking the "Include external collaborators" condition, you can display or hide employees who are marked as "External collaborators"
The register can be exported in PDF format (PDF file symbol) or Excel format (Excel file symbol).
Each box in the attendance sheet represents a day on the calendar. Weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) and legal holidays are marked with light purple.
The register displays the actual tracked time of each employee. This information is represented by a time interval at the top of the box representing a day on the calendar. The first time displayed is the clocked-in time, and the second is the clocked-out time. The third time, at the bottom of the box, represents the total tracked time for that day. Days that only contain "00:00" at the bottom of the box have no tracked time.
The colored strip at the top of the boxes represents the clock-in status for that day. The available statuses are:
In progress - the employee has an active clock-in.
Under norm- the employee has not reached the number of hours equivalent to the work norm
Complete - the employee has reached the number of hours equivalent to the work norm
Over norm - the employee has exceeded the hours equivalent to the work norm.
Inactive/absent - the employee has no active clock-in or time tracked on the current day.
Concediu - the employee has an approved day of leave on the current day.
The register also displays employees' leave days. These are represented by letter abbreviations. There are four predefined abbreviations in the Papervee system:
VC - represents a vacation day;
SL - represents a medical leave day;
PL - represents parental leave;UL - represents unpaid leave;
The rest of the abbreviations for other types of leave are set by the workspace administrators.
The + EV symbol indicates a day with an approved event.
If there is clocked time on a day with approved leave, the register will display an "i" in a circle and mark the box with light red to signal this fact. Sliding over this symbol, you can read the message indicating the error for that day.
The last columns of the attendance register indicate the total number of hours clocked by the employee in that month, the total number of working days, the number of meal vouchers (if the employee receives them), the total number of overtime hours, the total number of remote work days, and the sum of leave days of various types.