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Vacation Planner Page in Manager Mode
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Written by Support Papervee
Updated this week

The vacation planner page in manager mode is where you as a manager can see all the vacation plans made by your team. This section does not include official leave requests, but only the plans made. This page can be accessed by navigating through the left menu to the "Leaves" page and then navigating through the top menu to the "Planner" section.

Attention! To view the "Planner" page as described on this page, make sure you have changed the platform context by accessing the manager mode..

Managers accessing the "Planner" page will see data related to the users they manage. Managers with the Owner and HR Manager roles, having access to all users in the Papervee workspace, will see data about all of them. Managers who have an employee role but are the operational managers of other employees will see only those respective employees.

Information can be filtered on this page using the filters at the top. You can view information for a specific year. To select the desired year, you can use the left and right arrow buttons. The table can be filtered by entering an employee's name in the search bar. Additionally, by checking or unchecking the "Include collaborators/Freelancers" condition, you can display or hide employees who are marked as "External collaborators"

The central table can be exported in PDF format using the "export" button (PDF file symbol).

The central table displays the following data:

Employee - indicates the name of the employee.

Months of the year -indicates the number of planned rest leave days for the respective month.

Total days planned - indicates the total number of days planned for the selected year.

Remaining days - indicates the number of remaining rest leave days after planning.

Adding a planning

To add a new planned interval, follow these steps:

Navigate to the "Leaves" page and go to the "Planner" section.
Click on the "Plan" button.
Select one or more employees for whom you want to plan a leave interval.
Name the planned period.
Select the period in which you want to plan the leave.
Select whether you want the weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) to be included in the planned interval.
To finalize, click the "Add scheduling" button.

Modifying a planning

To modify a planned interval, follow these steps:

Navigate to the "Leaves" page and go to the "Planner" section.
In the main table, at the desired employee and month, press the information symbol (circle with an "i").
Next to the desired interval, press the modification button (pencil symbol).
Modify the details of the planning.
To finalize, press the "Apply modification to planner" button.

Deleting a planning

To delete a planned interval, follow these steps:

Navigate to the "Leaves" page and go to the "Planner" section.
In the main table, at the desired employee and month, press the information symbol (circle with an "i").
Next to the desired interval, press the delete button (trash can symbol).
To finalize, confirm the desire to delete the planned period.

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