As a manager, if you are assigned the necessary rights, you can manage the documents of employees in the company. The following users have this right:
HR Manager users with Upload Docs and Download Docs rights;
Operational Managers (rights limited to the users they manage).
Uploading a document into another employee's file
To upload a document into an employee's file, follow these steps:
Navigate to the "Document File" page using the left menu of the screen.
Select the employee in whose file you want to upload the document.
Select the document category where you want to upload a document.
Press the "Upload a Document" button.
Name the uploaded document. The name can differ from the uploaded file's name
Attach the desired file using the "Choose" button or by dragging and dropping the file into the designated area.
To finalize the document upload, press the "Add" button.
Deleting a document from another employee's file
To delete a document from an employee's file, follow these steps:
Navigate to the "Document File" page using the left menu of the screen.
Select the employee in whose file you want to delete the document.
Select the document category from which you want to delete a document.
Press the delete button (trash can symbol) next to the document you want to delete.
To finalize, confirm the intention to delete in the modal that appears.
Moving a document from another employee's file
System-generated documents cannot be moved from their own category. Only user-uploaded documents can be moved. To move a document from an employee's file, follow these steps:
Navigate to the "Document folder" page using the left menu of the screen.
Select the employee from whose file you want to move the document.
Select the document category from which you want to move a document.
Select the document or multiple documents by checking the box to their left.
Press the "move documents" button.
Choose the category and subcategory where you want to move the document.
To finalize, press the "move documents" button.