With Papervee, you can generate addendums to the individual employment contract for your employees with just a few clicks. The generation of addendums is based on a template. Your Papervee account contains a default template for an additional act, but you also have the option to create and activate a custom template at any time.
Attention! Only HR Manager users with "access to contractual data" rights and the Owner user have access to these functionalities.
Generating an addendum
To generate an addendum, follow these steps:
Access the "Employees" page through the left menu.
Access the desired employee's digital profile by clicking on their name or the edit button (symbol: pencil).
Navigate to the "Contractual Information" section.
Press the "Modify data" button.
Modify the information you want to introduce in the additional act.
Click on "Continue to save".
In the modal that appears, check "Generate changes addendum".
Select the modifications you want to include in the addendum
Choose the date of the addendum
Choose the date from which the modifications in the addendum take effect;
Enter the number of the addendum
To finalize, press the "Save" button.
Congratulations! The saved addendum will be found on the right side of the employee's digital profile in the "Contractual Information" section under the "Contract History" section. Also, the generated addendum will be saved in the user's document folder, in the "contractual documents" section, under the "Addendums" category. The PDF file with the additional act can be downloaded from both described locations.
Deleting an addendum
To delete an additional act generated through Papervee, follow these steps:
Access the "Employees" page through the left menu.
Access the desired employee's digital profile by clicking on their name or the edit button (symbol: pencil).
On the right side, in the Contract History section, identify the entry describing the generation of the desired addendum.
Press the delete button (symbol: trash can).
To finalize, press the "Delete" button.