The Employee role is the basic role assigned to every new user in your workspace. This role has the fewest rights but has access to all the functionalities a non-HR or non-management employee would need.
The flows that can be accessed by a user with the Employee role are:
Real-time work time recording and creating requests to add worked time.
Planning, creating, and editing leave requests and events.
Adding work schedules and creating recurring work schedules.
Creating and editing telecommuting requests.
Creating and editing overtime requests.
Viewing public profiles of colleagues and the "News" and "Organigram" sections within the "Community" page.
Viewing documents in the account and uploading personal documents.
Users with the Employee role can access the "manager mode" only if they are designated as operational managers over other employees. Otherwise, employees will not be able to access the "manager mode" or any functionality within this context.